Boxing at Verbon

Welcome to Boxing club Verbon! 

Since 1975, you can safely practice the sport of boxing with us, under the supervision of qualified trainers. Only with us, you will find up-to-date knowledge of the sport and personal attention for every member. 

Boxing is a sport for everyone! 

Click on the different services we offer below.




Boxing morning / afternoon / evening


Free trial lesson

You are more than welcome to follow a trial lesson and experience boxing yourself. A trial lesson costs €10, which will be refunded if you choose to become a member.

Sign up

Latest news


Beste leden,

Wij zijn in de kerstvakantie gesloten van woensdag 25 december t/m zaterdag 4 januari. We hopen jullie allemaal in het nieuwe jaar weer te zien. We wensen iedereen fijne feestdagen en een sportief 2025!

Feestelijke groet,

Team Verbon

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Contact details

Willem Arntszkade 5
3515 AG Utrecht
M +31.6.55 88 33 85